Quick Start Guide

This is a quick start guide to the WaiFU SDK beta

A helpful explanation video is attached below, but we've launched the beta SDK with X, LunarCrush, and DexScreener as providers. For now, you will need your own API keys, but our universal API will be out soon and we will start scaling our provider set.


https://github.com/waifusdk/sdk SDK Repo

https://github.com/waifusdk/providers Providers repo which people can add how and where the data is fetched from https://github.com/waifusdk/waifu-eliza-starter Starter and template code to use waifuSDK with elizaOS

Open - Source Incentives:

https://github.com/waifusdk/providers/issues https://github.com/waifusdk/sdk/issues

We are also incentivizing community contributions. You can fork and create your own PRs. Each merged PR is a variable amount of WaiFU, and you can attach a wallet address to your PR

Last updated